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Our Story

Kathryn King, Realtor founded KJK Properties in 2002 to exceed the expectations of real estate customers in the Pacific Northwest. We entered the market to methodize real-time innovative services in the residential apartments, and commercial arenas. Our customers, whether they are buyers, sellers, property owners who need management services, or residents, are looking for smart and creative solutions in the real estate market. KJK Properties currently has a robust portfolio of several homes, duplexes, and commercial buildings in the Portland Metro and other areas in Oregon and is unmatched in negotiation acumen and contract expertise. Schedule your “mayhem to peace” call today!



The business also gives back to the community by hosting the popular “Landlord Study Hall,” a forum to help landlords stay within the state’s landlord-tenant laws and become more effective landlords. Because of this course, residents and landlords have a much better experience, and the living standards of residents are much higher. 


  • Kathryn is a Rock Star!

    I’d call Kathryn a rock star, except that rock stars probably don’t work as hard!  She was super helpful, on top of every one of the million or so questions we had…


Our Team

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